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Guild Wars 2 – Episode Jormag Rising Is Here
2020-07-28 13:42

Guild Wars 2: The Icebrood Sage continues with a new episode. Jormag Rising is Episode 4. It comes with content additions that give players new things to do. On Episode 4's feature list we have an extended map, a new improved waystation mastery, new adventures, and plenty of new rewards to make the effort worthwhile. Summer may have taken over the real world but Guild Wars 2 players can stay nice and chill thanks to this new episode.
The icy saga continues with a new adventure. Blood Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer is one of the notable characters that feature in the story. His armies will stop at nothing to achieve victory. The Imperator and his Dominion allies are capable of anything to see their plans come to fruition. Players will witness a new development in the charr civil conflict. It's not a pretty one as diplomacy failed to solve the issues. On top of that, the ice dragon is preparing to enter the field as well.
The adventures take place on Drizzlewood Coast. Players get to discover the northern side of this area. They will oppose the Dominion armies. The goal is to claim lands from the Dominion. You will battle many enemies and you must be prepared for one challenging encounter. The Frost Citadel will not fall that easily. A new Claw of Jormag is ready to give players a fair share of trouble.
The good news is that you can use upgraded waystations to gain access to new abilities. The new waystations are now more useful. They allow you to go on with the practice of the mastery line. Eventually, you will learn new abilities. The Iron Legion Medizooka is one of them. Don't forget about the new adventures that allow you to become reputed with the spirits. The Eagle will be interested in your flying skills. Wolverine is waiting to hear about your deeds. The Ox will deem you worthy only if you show your strength.
As you might expect, many rewards await to be collected. The rewards table includes two new infusions. Collect all the new Tribune weapons, there are five of them. Change the appearance of your weapon with the new Stormcaller and Boneskinner weapon customizations. These are just a few of the available rewards.
If you want more rewards, make sure to check the U7Buy store for the best prices on Guild Wars 2 gold, items, and boosting. They have super quick and reliable deliveries also!

(Contributed by Reda; Edited by Hermes_Fang) Guild Wars 2 Jormag Rising Guild Wars 2 Gold GW2 Icebrood Sage GW2 gold