It's time for another edition of the Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Festival. This event was first celebrated in 2013. It all started as an April 1st joke. There's no shock here considering that other MMORPGs have based expansions on April Fools jokes. Here is what to expect from this year's event. Like always, Moto is preparing a world of adventures for us. The residents of Tyria, heroes included, are invited to take part in all sorts of challenges.
The Super Adventure Box welcomes all. This is the place to take part in jumping puzzles. The environment is unusual but you probably know that from last years. Glorious rewards are set aside for those who overcome the challenges. Super Adventure Festival runs from April 14th until May 12th. This year's event runs for one extra week. Take advantage of this additional time to master the jumping skills and check out Tribulation mode. As usual, there are lots of rewards and achievements to claim.
If you are a veteran Guild Wars 2 player, you might remember that Super Adventure Festival usually starts on April 1st. This year, the team decided to postpone the festival to have more room for the April Fools joke.
When the Box opens on April 12th, you get the chance to step inside and discover what's in store for this year. Get ready to uncover some secrets. Conquer the challenges, complete the tasks, and obtain the achievements.
There's also a new meta achievement for this year's festival. Adventurers have a new weapon set to acquire. It is similar to the previous sets but there is something unique to it. There's also word of new event worlds. If you want to take part in the adventure, you will need to travel to Rata Sum and access the waypoint in the Creator's Commons.
The Box has several worlds and each world has different zones. You need to complete a zone to unlock the next one. There are three difficulties: infantile, normal, and tribulation. If you want to quickly get the achievements, we recommend the first difficulty. You will not encounter challenging platforming elements so it's easier to complete the tasks. If you want to experience the standard adventure, then you should choose normal mode.
For the ultimate challenge, tribulation mode awaits you. If you are a veteran player and you don't mind putting yourself to hardcore tests, then this is the mode for you. If you need some extra help with the game, don't forget that the U7Buy store is open for you. Have fun!
(Contributed by Reda; Edited by Hermes_Fang)